$6 Champagne Flutes and Cookies for Sale!
(Determined Innovative Vocal Active) I am a woman who learns all the rules so I know which ones to break . . . .
Thursday, October 24, 2013
New Baby, New Degree and a New Vision for My Business
Its been a while! I hope everyone has been OK! To say my summer was eventful is an under statement. I gave birth to my second son Solomon he is an amazing little guy. My oldest son is enjoying his Senior Year in High School. It has been truly a blessing to be able to watch both of them grow and become their own person. I also graduated from the College of New Rochelle with my B.A. and am awaiting acceptance to Grad School to obtain a Masters in Community and Economic Development. I have also made a conscious decision to re-brand and focus more on my passions and business. I have started a baking company called "Rebellious Treats' and my specialty is cookies! I have several customers and they are all satisfied with my product. I am looking forward to sponsoring and hosting events, and creating new and exciting treats. When you are a creative person no matter what the talent, the need to create never dies.I am so glad I have given into my intuitions and expand on my given talents. I am looking forward to sharing more of what has been going on in my life and the great things that are in store! So Stay Tuned!
Taneesha The Diva
Taneesha The Diva
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Designs by The Diva
These are my latest creations with more to come they are $15 each to place an order or special order you can email me taneeshac@gmail.com Shipping in the U.S. and Canada
Thursday, February 7, 2013
5 Tips for Riding The Subway in New York even if you are a Tourist . . . . .
Believe it or not there is an art to riding the subway in New York. New Yorkers don't have the luxury of having cars and being able to drive from home to the store only a few miles away. Instead we rely on this thing we call the "iron horse". It has its moments but for the most part it works. There are always some unexpected challenges that can happen during your commute for example you just sat down and are comfortable when the train goes out of service, or there is a sick passenger while you are in the tunnel and now you have to just wait, or my favorite the train is not stopping at the stop you need to get off and no one tells you that until you get closer to the stop you need to get off! So here are a few rules to help you whether you use the subway every day or are just visiting! Feel free to share some of your tips!
- Know Your Route and Have a Backup Plan- Know where you are going before you get on the train, look up directions online and print them out if you have to. Also ask the clerks in the booth for a map. There are some subway cars equipped with maps but they are right above a seat so in most cases you will be hovering over someone while you are trying to figure out where you're going. Instead ask the person in the Map Seat for directions, and if they are unsure trust me they will look at the map with you and help you figure it out. This is way better than hovering over someone who may or may not be in the most understanding of moods. Also make sure you have a backup route to get where you're going just in case one of the unexpected mishaps happens.
- Be Conscious of your Size and Space- If you are a 6'3 guy in a big winter coat why are you going to try and squeeze in a seat that you can clearly see is too small? It just puts everyone on edge so don't do it. Be aware of your size and the space around you. Also I love reading on the subway just as much as the next person so I carry my kindle or a magazine. Don't open the Metro section of the New York Times on a crowded train, this does not make you look educated or smart it makes you a douche!
- Hold On To Your Kids- The subway is not clean by any means in fact its downright disgusting! This is a vehicle that is in use 25 hours a day! People sleep on it, they have sex on it, the use it as their personal bathrooms in some regards. Don't let your children play all over the seats, touch the poles etc. Kids don't know any better and need their parents to guide them, I have seen children lick the poles, touch the seats and their hands go right to their mouth! Save yourself and your child a trip to the Emergency Room and some antibiotics have them sit on your lap, or carry a pillowcase for them to sit on, in the summer I grab one of the free papers and sit on that because I am so paranoid of bed bugs, lice etc. If you happen to sit in the first or last cars and kids want to look out into the tunnel let them but make sure you are in arms reach.
- Let the Old People, Handicapped and Pregnant Women Sit-You would think this would go without saying, but if that were the case I would not need to mention it. I have seen elderly people who look like they could have barely make it our of bed, people with casts and crutches and pregnant women dripping placenta all standing on the SUBWAY! People refuse to get up, a lot of time women will get up and offer their seat, I wont say chivalry is dead but it must be on a coffee break during rush hour. If you see someone who looks like they need to sit down let them sit.
- Follow the Triple A Rule- Alert, Aware at All Times!
Whats the craziest thing you have seen or heard about the NYC Subway?
Be Safe,
The Diva
Friday, February 1, 2013
Yoga and Children
I have been reading several articles over the last few days regarding bringing yoga into schools to help with children who have behavior or anxiety issues. Can you believe there is controversy? as with everything else this is somehow taboo. Why I am not sure, there has been some chatter that it promotes Hinduism. Umm ok these days that may not be such a bad thing, but to each his own. All I can talk about is my experience, when I was a director for an after school program a few years back, I worked with children ages 5-17 who were living in a homeless shelter. Talk about a forgotten group, I made it my mission to make the 4 hours kids spent in my program every day the best it could be. I had about 6 kids all boys diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. Teachers were at their wits end because the kids were not focused, could not keep still, or were labeled as "unruly". All of these boys were under the age of 10 the youngest being 6. Having conversations with their parents they were all advised by the school that their child should be medicated. I am not anti medication, but when it comes to kids it should not be the first remedy. I told the parents they should talk with the school in depth about other measures before resulting to meds. I told them ask questions, like how much physical education does their child receive every day/week?, how long has the teacher been teaching?, how many kids are in their child's class?, was behavior therapy recommended? In other words advocate for your child, be the voice they need before pumping drugs into their system. The FDA just passed that children as young as 4 years old can now be medicated for these issues. I am so glad this practice was not as rampant when I was a kid because i probably would not be writing this post right now. In my program I used everything as a learning experience, and being that I was in the South Bronx a lot of children and adults for that matter have never stepped foot outside the Bronx. I decided to bring the world to them and open their eyes to new things, I remember going out to dinner with friends at one of my favorite Japanese restaurants and after eating I took about 50 pairs of chopsticks. The next day at my program everyone kids, and staff had to eat their snack and dinner with chopsticks. It was messy but fun. Kids are easy to please, if people take the time to do it. The sillier you are the better. The boys with the behavior issues, when they would come for program I made sure that after their snack instead of getting right into homework they had 15 minutes of mediation and then we all did Yoga together as a group. Again staff and kids, it was great. The boys loved that they did not have to jump into homework like everyone else, they were special, they got to sit on the brightly colored mats, take their shoes off, they took turns ringing the makeshift chimes I had to start our mediation period and end it. It helped them so much when it came time to do homework, it also helped how they played with their peers. Some of the kids that parents did choose to put on meds I would hate when they would come to program, they would do nothing they looked like little zombies. I stayed there for 3 years and eventually had to move on and a day doesn't go by that I don't think about those kids. Some of them I still see, and I check in with them to make sure they are OK. That's my biggest challenge I always want to know that people I care about are OK, but its not something I always have control over so I have to stop stressing myself out about it, and just believe they are OK. Working in education now, in public school in NYC all I can say is I don't know how people sleep at night with all that goes on especially with our boys of color. Everyday I am thinking of ways to raise awareness about the issues that plague or kids before they even leave the womb. As with everything else, I can't worry all I can do is my part and believe that one day it will all be OK.
The Diva
The Diva
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Grad School and Beyond . .
As I prepare for graduation in May I reflect on how far I have come and how much further I have to go. I am looking forward to starting Grad school in August, but there are so many changes that are coming along with it. My son will become a Senior this year, my best friend of over 25 years is moving to Hawaii in September and I am expecting my 2nd child in July! With all of these changes I can not take focus off of my goals, and what I want to accomplish. Getting my Masters degree is only part of the plan, the part includes making more money this year, and laying the foundation for the school I will build. I am thankful to have such opportunities and milestones ahead of me. I take every step with pride and gratuity. Sometimes I get overwhelmed because I feel like I am needed in so many places, that I don't have time to breathe.. That's when I step back, assess and start again.
Be Well,
The Diva
Be Well,
The Diva
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
How Do You Connect To Parents Who Are Not Tech Savvy?
In measuring the needs of the parents in my school community, I am constantly at a loss with how to best connect with the ones who do not embrace, or are not familiar with technology. For the most part the phone seems to be the best way to reach people and communicate, but to a certain degree it seems antiquated compared to the level of technology out there. I do realize that a lot of people are just not "into" the computer. I am trying to figure out ways to break down that wall and bring people on board. When it comes to education there is so much information available to parents via the Internet, but if they do not know how or where to look they can miss out. I try to keep parents as informed as possible but things are always changing, at times I feel overwhelmed by the abundance of information. I also take into consideration there are a lot of grandparents raising 2nd and 3rd families and to them the use of technology is something that they leave to the "young people". I want to change that, I know it will not happen overnight, hell it hasn't happened in the 5 years I have had my job. Progress has been made but we still have a ways to go. If you are a parent what are some of the ways your child's school keeps you informed?
Stay Warm,
The Diva
Stay Warm,
The Diva
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Keeping things in Perspective
Yesterday was a very busy day. Phone calls, meetings, scheduling appointments, life! I made it through and I'm thankful. My energy took a nose dive in the latter part of the evening because sometimes once you stop moving you realize how overwhelming things can be. I got some news yesterday that put me out of sorts, because yet again just when I though I was getting ahead a little nugget drops. From the universe to let me know otherwise. So as with most important decisions I think on it over some really strong coffee, ice cream or head straight for the comfort food. Yesterday's dilemma was a coffee level one. Money is the issue between a kid in private school, daily living expenses, and just a bunch of other things that require money I truly feel defeated and deflated. I don't earn enough money to keep myself afloat but I manage. I'm so tired of managing and working with less. Every day we are bombarded with stories of celebrities, or those with excess wealth and the things they spend their money on seem so trivial. After about 20 minutes of my 30 minute subway ride home last night I decided I need to take control and stop feeling sorry for myself. I grabbed some falafel on my walk home and there's a homeless man a along 2nd avenue I always see him but I've never given him anything. Last night I decided to, I walked over and put a $1 in his hand not the cup he was holding but in his hand. Here I am feeling like shit but I'm walking home to a nice but small and warm apartment. He looked at me and said thank you, then said that he always sees me but my face always looks intimidating and therefore he said to himself he would never ask me for money. He apologized for judging me without knowing me, he goes on to tell me that earlier that day he asked god to take him home because he knew killing himself would not get him into heaven. He goes on to tell me that I changed his perception and he now has hope. He has a lot of health problems and is only 51 years old . I can't say that I wasn't emotionally affected by that. It made me take stock in my life and want to work on the things I can change instead of feeling defeated by the things I can't.
Thank you Nathaniel
The Diva
Thank you Nathaniel
The Diva
Monday, January 7, 2013
Train Ride Home
Tonight's ride was a little more eventful. I saw one of my former students from the after school program I used to run in the homeless shelter. She is all grown up if say around 14 or 15 now but still had the same face. I wanted to talk to her but she was with friends and the last thing I would want to do is embarrass her. It made my heart smile to see her. It always does when I see kids I used to work with and they are doing well. Unfortunately that's not always the case. There was an Asian woman randomly going from empty seat to empty seat when she did this after the 3rd time I realize she was selling bootleg dvd's. At 72nd street a guy gets on with a Yorkie that is barking uncontrollably. Quite a few gentlemen in this train, I've seen 3 different guys give up their seats to women. Overall today was a productive day and I can't wait to get home and dig into my pint of vanilla ice cream and watch what's left of the Knicks game! Hope you have made it home safe!
The Diva
The Diva
Monday Morning Subway
Living in NewYork the only way to really travel is via the subway. For those if you who do not live in New York or have never taken the subway, every Monday ill be taking you along for the ride.Today my normal train was over 15 minutes late! Thanks MTA. I had the pleasure of being able to get a seat but good lord why does it have to be next 2 teenage girls who spent the entire ride talking about Justin Bieber!!!! There is a grown man reading a Ramona book I'm going to assume he's a really involved dad or a teacher. The train has decided to go from 59th street express to 86th which causes mass confusion, yelling and pushing. Finally around 96th it emptied out and my last few stops will be a little more peaceful. It got crowded again around 125th but finally it's time for me to get off. I'm 10 minutes late for work but I've made it in one piece.
Happy Monday
The Diva
Happy Monday
The Diva
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Dealing with Negative People
Lets face it assholes make the world go round. If every one was nice and pleasant to each other, what kind of world would that be? In this age of social media and so called reality shows based on the biggest assholes it seems like the good guys or girls can't win. Well I refuse to acknowledge or assimilate. If someone is an asshole, let them know it. I can't stand people who are negative because of their own self pity or misery, to the point where they need to make everyone around them feel like shit. It's not healthy and its not fair. Its not easy to deal with people who are always such a downer but I have noticed the happier you are the worse they feel. If they see that their bad attitude has no affect on you, it makes them feel worse. This is very common with women, you can be having the best day, but because some other broad is having a crappy one she has to bring you down. Every time something like this happens to me, I thank the universe for giving me the ability to have real relationships, integrity and a FUCKING LIFE! Why the hell would I want to spend my energy bringing down someone else, because her hair looks better than mine, or she has the purse that I can't afford? People need to take stock in themselves and build their esteem. In the long run bringing me down is not going to do anything for you because you have no power over me unless I give it to you. So as we start off another week going into the world to face our destiny, know that somewhere there is an asshole waiting to piss you off! Don't let them win! Take the high road, pat yourself on the back, treat yourself to a cup of coffee and ask the universe to help them!
The Diva
The Diva
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
First Day of The New Year
Today was the first day of the new year and the last day of my holiday break. I have to return back to work tomorrow, and more commitments in the next coming weeks than I can count. I spent most of the day watching the Twilight Zone, no matter how many times they have a marathon I still have not seen all the episodes. I will be spend this week getting samples ready for sale for Valentine's Day for my customers. I am so happy to be able to get back to creating things, I love being able to take my visions and bring them to life. Photos coming soon! Mentally I am preparing myself for the next 6 months of work and life which will be very, very eventful. I hope you spent the New Year in a happy place and are looking forward to great things in 2013!
The Diva
The Diva
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