In measuring the needs of the parents in my school community, I am constantly at a loss with how to best connect with the ones who do not embrace, or are not familiar with technology. For the most part the phone seems to be the best way to reach people and communicate, but to a certain degree it seems antiquated compared to the level of technology out there. I do realize that a lot of people are just not "into" the computer. I am trying to figure out ways to break down that wall and bring people on board. When it comes to education there is so much information available to parents via the Internet, but if they do not know how or where to look they can miss out. I try to keep parents as informed as possible but things are always changing, at times I feel overwhelmed by the abundance of information. I also take into consideration there are a lot of grandparents raising 2nd and 3rd families and to them the use of technology is something that they leave to the "young people". I want to change that, I know it will not happen overnight, hell it hasn't happened in the 5 years I have had my job. Progress has been made but we still have a ways to go. If you are a parent what are some of the ways your child's school keeps you informed?
Stay Warm,
The Diva
My kids know more than I do. It's so surprising when my 3 year old knows how to get on youtube. Times are changing and you either have to get with it or be out of the loop. Stopping over from