I received an email a few weeks ago from Change.org regarding a petition started by a little girl for her brother. Her brother so badly wanted an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas but she wanted the toy company to make a "boy" friendly model. My first response to this was aww that's so cute, I love to see kids taking action, the petition spread like wildfire. Today I read that
Hasbro will be unveiling a gender neutral Easy Bake oven that should appeal to boys and girls. So there are a few elements that layer this cake, first does the color really matter that much? If you have a son that wants to cook why can't he cook with the oven the way it is? Are boys going to Toy Stores and picking out the ovens as is and their parents are telling them they can't have it because its Pink or Purple? Or are little boys saying the color really maters that much that they could not play with the toy? I know as a kid a toy was a toy as long as it served its purpose I played with it. I do admire Hasbro for saying they will put more boys in the ads so this makes me wonder, what about adult men? Where are they when it comes to Pregnancy Test Commercials, and Female Contraceptives? How many husbands/boyfriends purchase feminine products for their wives when "mother nature" pays them a visit. Why do we never see that on TV? Are there no writers creative enough to make a commercial that is both realistic and informative or are we just not there yet? The only times I see both man and woman together are in the KY jelly commercials or post childbirth for products such as detergent or cars. So to me it seems the media basically conveys the message that Pregnancy, and Contraception are a woman's issue that has nothing to do with men. Condom commercials always portray men as manly, powerful and hooking up with the Hot Chick and making the choice. Why not the reverse? Why not a commercial with a Hot Woman picking up a Hotter Guy and taking him out, and when the time to get luck arrives she pulls out the condom. Are we really that sensitive? I hope this Easy Bake controversy opens the door to a bigger discussion on gender roles and how they are displayed in the media and the effects it has on our young people.
The Diva
I saw it and spoke on this very thing on my other blog. My son cooks and most chefs are men I don't see what the problem is. Now my son would probably not want one in pink but I am sure one that comes in a blue or green he would love.