Thursday, November 8, 2012

Asian Man + Black Woman= Hot Movie!

Living in NYC you see a lot of things on a daily basis. The one thing that never amazes me is interracial couples. I am talking beyond the black/white. I mean Indian with Mexican or Polish with African there is never a shortage of possibilities. The combinations are endless. One thing you don’t see to often is a Black Female with an Asian Male. However you will see the opposite. Being the type of person I am I have always felt that Interracial Relationships have never received the recognition they deserve in the media especially. This is America the Melting Pot what better way to express ourselves to the world than by showing how the Pot of Cultures we pride ourselves on becomes a wonderful mix of Diversity and Pride…Well finally there is a movie that is talking about just that. It is called Akira’s Hip Hop Shop it is an indie Film which stars James Kyson Lee from NBC’s Heroes and Emayatzy Corinealdi who is currently starring in Ava DuVernay's Middle of Nowhere
The movie deals with his falling in love and having a relationship with a Black Woman and the challenges that come along with it. More of these types of films and characters need to be on screen to have a very much needed conversation in society. Why is there so much controversy when a non black man chooses a black woman?

Be Great,
The Diva

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Congratulations Mr. President

What a night! I had such a long day yesterday I didn't get a chance to stay up to watch all of the votes come in. I work up to text messages and emails of celebration, and victory! What an amazing feeling. Regardless of  race or political affiliation of the 2 Obama was the better candidate all around in my opinion. I am glad that the people have chosen to give him another 4 years to lead our country although it will probably take lifetimes before its really fixed. I am just glad that in my lifetime as a black woman and the mother of a young black man that I have not only been able to witness history but was a part of making it happen. I hope the next 4 years are a time of improvements and remarkable successes for our country. There has been so much loss, and poverty people need a break! They need a leader that is about the people, I understand the President can't do all the work by himself he needs the help of the citizens! I am willing to do my part. Are you?

Be Great,
The Diva

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Headed to the Polls Bright and Early

I woke up super early this morning so I go could cast my vote! It amazes me how many people still don't vote for a myriad of reasons. There are definitely things I wish were different, and living in NY I feel like politics is just a game of people who make a bunch of empty promises, and try to get as much attention as possible. The presidential election is something that is special for so many reasons. Whether your candidate wins or loses, you possess a right that countries are fighting for and dying for. This is also a great time to talk about policies and government with your children. When they ask for that extra $ for allowance, or wonder why their school doesn't have enough text books or teachers. Politics affects all of us as soon as we enter this world. So getting up a few minutes early to travel a few extra block is worth  the possibility of being a part of a better world.

Go Vote,
The Diva

Monday, November 5, 2012

Real Divas Carry Mag-Lites

Living in New York City is always a challenge because of the daily trials and tribulations we face. There is always something a stalled train on your way to work, crime, rising rents but no difference in your paycheck. I think you get my point. Well hurricane Sandy shook NYC to its core. We usually are just watching these storms on TV happen in some other city, or country. So many people are so used to us being "unaffected" that they didn't think the storm would be "that bad". Well Sandy came and she conquered. I am thankful I only lost power and water for a few days, and I was able to go back home Friday evening. As I get back to existing and dealing with life in NYC I am sad. So many people lost everything, I mean everything. So many people lost their lives! It's just a hard pill for me to swallow, but it makes me grateful. I am in the midst of planning a fundraiser on November 28th at Bar None to help namely the women affected by Sandy. I faced my own challenges living in lower Manhattan and having to commute to the Bronx for Work on Friday. I decided to stay with a relative that lives in the Bronx, I ended up having to walk because the subways weren't back in motion and buses were overcrowded. I got to share my story on Katie Couric's website where I am also a Guest Blogger. You can check it out here  The one thing i appreciate during this whole time was my Mag-Lite Flash light which not only provided light for me in the dark but could have doubled as a weapon luckily I only needed it to use it for its intended purpose. In the end I am thankful to still have my home, know that my family is ok, and breath in my body so I can help those who need it.

Be Great,
The Diva

Sunday, November 4, 2012

5 Reasons Why You Should Be A Bitch If You Own a Business and want to be Taken Seriously

So before you start cursing me out and calling me a bitch! Let me explain. First of all lets get rid of the clinical definition of the word because none of us are dogs. Secondly lets get rid of the negative use of the word such as when people do things that are just down right stupid. Now lets look at the instances when women are called Bitches for being Assertive, Cocky, Determined, Blunt, Confident, Knowledgeable, and Successful! Aren't those all the tings that make a great businesswoman and leader? So if you have been called a bitch in the last week for 1 of these reasons keep up the Great Work! If not keep reading!

Be Assertive- So many times I go to workshops, or networking events and the women are just talking to other women, I hate this and love it! I hate it because if there are men in the room you need to be working the room! Everyone there is a business owner, I could care less if they have a Vagina or a Penis I have the balls and I am going to approach and execute all equally! I love this because this leaves all the Men free in the room for me to talk business and promote myself and make valuable connections. If you can talk shop with the best man in the room, you can talk shop with anyone. Utilize these opportunities to sharpen your skills and your message.

Introduce Yourself- Do not wait for people to come over and read your name tag and ask "so what's your business". Time is money, and time wasted is money lost. Introduce yourself to as many people as possible spend time networking with the ones that will benefit you the most.

Take a Cue From the Men- Watch how men do business, and learn from it. They play golf, they ask questions, when it comes to meetings they always offer a firm handshake, and pay attention to the guy who sits in front of the room. I can't tell you how many times I have gone to classes, meetings, events etc and the women are in the back while the first 2 rows are empty. Sit in the front, this lets others know you are confident and there for a purpose.

Communicate your Purpose- This is so important! Avoid downplaying your business, don't make it seem like a hobby. Investors do not want to invest in your hobbies. They want to invest in something that's going to give them a return on their investment, and they want someone not only passionate and professional but someone who knows their shit! Know your market, Know your numbers and Know where you are going!

Help your fellow Business Bitches- Women are strong and powerful, but so many times once we start a family or get married we are always just known as a Mom or Wife and everything else is secondary. By standing up for yourself and your business you are showing others you are one Bad Ass . . . . .well you know the rest!

From One B To Another,
The Diva

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My Thoughts on this years Election as the Mother of Young Black Man and as a Proud Black Woman

The 2012 election is not only one of historic recognition but one of importance. As a black woman living in the united states I am proud to support not only Barack Obama but Michelle Obama. Our president has had to deal with a number of controversial and politically challenging issues. As a mother of a young black man and working in the field of Education in New York City my attention to President Obama and his politics has been paramount. The unique thin about this presidency is the fact that there is a woman of color in the white house. This is important for so many reasons. As a black woman I am stereotyped before people even give me a second look. Having a black woman in the white house has changed that perception, also having a woman who is intelligent, articulate and speaks highly of her husband is setting the course for monumental change. During the Democratic convention I was mesmerized and entranced by Michelle's speech. Not only was this wan aware of the issues and convincing she was speaking and supporting her husband not only as president but as a man. That's something you don't see everyday, the normal stories we see in the media put the black man in a negative light. To me that's important because I know there are good black men in our world, and there are mothers and fathers raising good black boys. So by voting for Barack you are not voting for just a black president you are voting for a change in history that will effect our world inevitably for all races for years to come.

Be Great,
The Diva

Friday, November 2, 2012

5 Tips for Dining out with Food Allergies . . .

I love food! It's almost unnatural how much I can be captivated by it. From discovering new recipes, to eating a new food in a new country I thoroughly enjoy it. Last year I decided to have a food allergy test done because I noticed certain foods were causing me to have very serious reactions. As it turns out I honestly do not understand how I survived for 35 years without an epi pen or a bubble. I not only have seasonal allergies, but I am allergic to most foods. The foods that are most severe are nuts, and fruits.With the help of my allergist and the Internet I have been able to navigate through eating very well. Especially when it comes to dining out, I love going to restaurants and out with friends but I don't want to be that person who needs to know everything in the dish and how it was made. However I dine smart, I carry benadryl with me at all times, and I ask specific questions such as Does this contain nuts?, Was this prepared with anything even next to nuts? etc, A lot of restaurants are very descriptive in their menus so its pretty self explanatory, but more restaurants need to take more initiative to bring their waitstaff up to speed and they should know what's in the dishes they are serving... So here are a few tips to not only make you proactive but to ensure you enjoy your meal . .. .

 Know Your Allergies- Know not only what you are allergic to but the reactions that happen as a result.

Carry Your Medications- If you have medications for your allergies make sure they are with you at all times.

Be Vocal- Let Waitstaff/Servers know before your order is placed that you have allergies, this saves a lot of time and money. If a server doesn't know whats in a dish, ask them to ask the kitchen or speak with the manager. Don't wait until you get a dish and realize there is something you can't eat in it.

Don't Use Your Allergies in Vain- Don't use your allergies an an excuse for a meal you didn't like, or wasn't worth the price.

Tell Your Friends- A lot my friends are my best advocates, so many times we will be out and before I can even figure out what I want they are already telling me what I can't have. It's frustrating but it definitely comes in handy!

I go to Dos Caminos a lot and one of the reasons I keep coming back is because they know me so well!

Happy Eating,
The Diva

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Schools Should Take a Lesson From Google. . . . .

As a creative person I am constantly "On". Whether is a new idea, image, sound, food, everything stimulates my senses sometimes it seems like it all happens at once. Working in education has been a challenge, because I remember being a student and having teachers who were a lot older, and sharper. I also remember  my learning environment, in Elementary school I went to my neighborhood school. In 2nd grade I was transferred to another school in my neighborhood except it was for Gifted students. I attended that school from grades 3-6 and it was awesome! Not so much for the teachers, but for my environment. First of all the school looked like a castle, every day was an adventure. Its the William Lloyd Garrison School and it was an amazing place to grow up. As for my learning environment there were constant discussions, images and art all over the building, music, chorus and we were encouraged to be intelligent and ask questions. We were held accountable for our learning, but we also WANTED to learn. Kids did not go to summer school because they failed, we went to summer school to prepare for the next grade and we ENJOYED going as did our parents. Last week I had the pleasure of joining a friend for dinner at Google. She works there and invited me as her guest, which I can say I was super excited! I have read so many articles about the perks they offer their employees. Man oh Man! Why didn't someone tell me!!! It is a dream environment, to work in. I joked with my friend that whomever they chose to design the space must have ADD! The endless snack counters, video games, views of the city, food, endless fridges full of whatever you could possibly think of to drink, scooter stations, need I go on? Out of all of it the thing I really liked about it, was its a place that encourages and sparks creativity. They understand their employees and have stripped away some of the humdrum features that usually come with working for someone else. Like a time clock? There is no time clock! If you need to take a break you can go and take a snooze in the sleep pod, or sit in the library or even head over to the music room and bang out your frustration on the drums. It really is incredible. I also loved one feature that I wish I could see in a school there was a section of space where the walls were made of what looked like the material that dry erase boards are made from. So there are just endless doodles, and scribbles all over it. How many times as a kid did you have your markers or crayons and got in trouble for writing on the walls?

Be Great,
The Diva