Monday, December 31, 2012

What a Fucking Year!!! My 2012 in Review Diva Style

I can't believe that in a few hours we will be counting down to 2013! What a year this has been! I swear it seems like yesterday I was gearing up for 2012. I have so much to be thankful for this year, I accomplished so much, and have been setting things in place for 2013. My year started out traveling to Jamaica and Mexico. I love the Caribbean especially when it proves as an escape from the cold in NYC. I had such a great time enjoying the local foods, warm sun and clear water. I had the pleasure of traveling a lot in 2012 in addition to Mexico and Jamaica I also hit Belize, Antigua, Barbuda, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. I am looking forward to graduating in May of 2013 with my Bachelors degree and starting grad school. I have been busy with my PR company and am working with 3 successful clients, one is an amazing Filmmaker and Script Writer, another has a brilliant business model which includes helping Entrepreneurs find their voice and pairing Mothers and Daughters as business partners.

    My other client is still in the development phase of her Not for Profit which will help inner city youth learn and become more engaged in school through theater. They have been keeping me very busy and I can't wait to unleash the wrath of greatness all of these women possess on the world. Through my travels and going back to school has been part of a major goal for me. That goal is to open a school in Central America, where there is such a need for Education, Arts and Recreation. I am on my way to starting the  first step, I will be launching a program in March working with girls in the South Bronx based on my 4 principles of being a Diva. (Determined Innovative Vocal Active) Through these 4 principles I think actually I know that I will make a difference. I also turned the big 35! That was such a milestone for me, I think a lot of things came in to perspective especially for me as a Mom. My son made 17 this year, and I am still in shock that I have a child that old. My son is an amazing young man and I am truly thankful to have him, he makes me proud every single day. One thing that I have always taught my son is that giving back and helping others is very important. Although his passion is helping animals, we have partnered together on a project. I have taken my passion for gifts and creating and started Do Good Goodies (website launching soon Whether its goodies bags for a kids party, or a gift basket for someone in your office's birthday we've got you covered. From every sale we make a portion is used to buy school or art supplies for NYC Public School students who live in Homeless Shelters. Working for many years in the shelter system with kids, that's one thing that no parent ever wants to go through with their children.

       A lot of my clients are parents and they love the fact that in addition to purchasing something for their child, they are helping a child in need. There are so many great things in store for 2013 with Do Good Goodies but I can't share them just yet. Stay tuned for the launch of the website and some exciting news! In 2012 I also exhibited my photography at the Soho Gallery for Digital Art. I am so thankful to have been given this opportunity and I look forward to exhibiting more of my work in 2013. On the East Coast in November we endured the effects of Mother Nature with Hurricane Sandy. In the area I live we were without power for about 4 days and as much as that was an inconvenience that's all it was. I did not lose my life, a place to live or any of my family. In the midst of it I got to meet and blog for Katie Couric The week after Thanksgiving I held a fundraiser at Bar None in addition to an online campaign and to date have raised over $1500 to help people affected by Sandy.

    Again I may do not much but I do what I can. In 2012 I also started 2 meetup groups one that focuses on Food and the other focuses on Moms who want to give back. These groups have been so much fun for me, I love planning events and getting people together to share, exchange and learn. I look forward to the growth of both in 2013.  The last few weeks of the year were so busy for me with holiday parties, visiting friends, but I also witnessed a Miracle my best friend of 27 years has an adopted daughter he went through a heart transplant in 2010, through all of it 2 years later she is still going strong! I had the pleasure of attending Google's holiday party at the Waldorf Astoria, a friend works there and invited me as their guest! It was such a great time, I can't even put it in words. All I can say is those people know how to reward their employees! I am pretty sure there are some things that I am forgetting but overall 2012 was a very progressive and eventful year for me. My little cousin who is not so little any more became a mom and a wife, and my best friend of over 25 years got married and guess who officiated the wedding? Yeah it was a great year, I have tried to put my words in some photos I tried to keep it to a decent amount, I had no idea how many damn pictures I took this year.! From my family to yours I wish you a prosperous and successful 2013!

                                                      2012 a Year in Review

See ya Next Year :-)
The Diva

Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Response to one Mom's Blog Post on Huffington Post about her kid and an iPhone

I have been off from work the last week and have had more than ample time to catch up on reading, current events, and even did some baking. I was reading an article via Twitter on Huffington Post about a woman who had just bought her 13 year old son an iPhone for Christmas because he is such a responsible kid. She goes on to state that the kid has to follow her contract of rules in order to keep the phone. So while I applaud her for taking the time to come up with such a concept, I am not quite sure that all of  her methods will work.  Here is my responses to her 18 rules let me know if you agree, or disagree and what has worked with your own children?

1-She starts the article stating that the phone is his. Yet this rule clearly states otherwise. This I don't agree with, if you are giving the phone as a gift and your son had to invest none of his own money whatsoever than this should be a no brainer. The phone is his because he will do what we wants with the phone whether you think you "own" it or not.

2- I do agree with knowing the password, not so much to spy unless I am given a reason but if the phone is lost or stolen, there are apps that you can install and knowing the password is a must. It's also comes in handy in case you really do need to check up on your kid, but guess what they can CHANGE the password at anytime without telling you. 

3-If it rings answer it? OK how many teenagers except for maybe a few girls left talk on the phone anymore? Its all about texting. I do agree if your parents call you answer.

4-This one just took all the joy of being a kid with a phone. I do think you should set limits but damn!

5-If you want the kid to focus on real relationships why by the kid a phone in the first place? She even states that she can't wait to "exchange a million text messages' with him, sounds a little hypocritical to me.

6-I do agree if the phone gets damaged as a result of his carelessness he should pay for the replacement, unfortunately this kid wont' have the phone in his possession long enough to let anything happen to it. I also think that if he's old enough to do the things to replace the phone, those should be the same things he did to get the phone in the first place with his own money.

7,8, 9- For me these are kind of redundant and if she is that concerned that her kid may not handle himself properly, or a phone will cause him to lose his morals and decency maybe they should sit down for a chat.

10- 13 year old boy! Nuff said

11-She says her son is not a rude person, so why does she feel the need to keep telling him things he should already know? I do agree the phone should be turned off when you are in places where that by it ringing would be a nuisance.

12- Hmmm coming from a mother who is a blogger. Not sure I agree with this one either or believe it.

13-The fact that she knows her son will laugh at her mentioning him sending pictures of his private parts makes me think that she knows he may be capable of it, or have friends that have already done it. Kids are effing CRAFTY!

14-OK! Leave the phone home sometimes? How is he supposed to answer it when mom and dad call (rule #3)? Why would buy such an expensive and advanced piece of technology f you want him to learn to live without it? She could have just never bought it.

15-This kid can't even choose his own music? What the hell is left in all of this??

16-How about just buying an actual puzzle and you, him and dad can do it together. Game Night anyone?

17- Does she Live in New York City? This things may work in Whoville.

18- What does Dad have to say about this? I do agree with the phone being taken away if he messes up and discussing it.

I have a 17 year old son who just got an iPhone in August we had an upgrade on his account since last year and I had not used it. We waited for the hubbub of the iPhone 5 release and went to Best Buy and got him an iPhone 4 for $50. My son does not have his own Itunes account, if he wants to download any apps whether they are free or not he has to ask me for my password, and I can also see the apps he downloads. I know his passwords to his email account, as well as cell phone and I have never really used them. When we talked about getting him the phone, my main concerns were his safety people being robbed for phones, every day concerned me more than anything. He goes to a really strict all boys private school, phones are allowed but god forbid if they go off. He has never been in trouble in school for his cellphone, in fact hes never been in trouble in school for anything. I did not lay a lot of rules on him about the phone because I want to let him know that I trust him, and its his to use. However if I sense anything funky trust me I will be all up in his business. When he started a Facebook page he was so excited, and it eventually wore off. I deleted my Facebook account last year and have no intent on returning. As a mom, full time employee, and a college student cell phones, have become a way to communicate with your child. I do not want my son to fear using his phone, or leave it at home on purpose because he has a fear of messing up, or just doesn't want to be bothered with me. I want him to know that as with anything else this is a part of his life, but its NOT his life. Although Mrs. Burley-Hoffman has great intentions I do not think they are realistic, and I also think if she has this much concern and fear about her son having this phone, she should have left it in the store.  Or started him out with a less advanced phone and make him earn the iPhone.The times are changing and we whether we change or not, or kids are growing up in the heart of technology. We have to be able to come to a medium where we allow them to live their lives, but never forget that we are their parents and at any given moment we will exercise our rights to do just that.

The Diva

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Using Store Registries to Get What You Need

As another holiday season is slowly easing out 2013 will bring more birthdays, baby showers, retirements, housewarmings, weddings, etc. I am not opposed to people creating registries to get what they need for their big day, but I am opposed to people using registries for evil! First off know your people, don't think because you invite 100 people and put 200 gifts on a registry that you will strike gold. Some people don't even look at registries, they have a budget or a predetermined gift they plan on giving and that's what you are going to get. Don't pick items for your registry based on my salary! So what we work at the same job, and I make more money than you that doesn't mean I am going to buy you a set of $500 pots because frankly We ain't that close! When it comes to babies and kids ask for what you need, you will have years to dress your kids up in stupid hats, and ridiculous outfits to take photos of them, that they will only hate you for later. Dealing in real time, babies need a lot of shit! Whether its diapers, wipes, blankets,bottles etc these things are necessary and can be costly! Ask for what you need! Even as your child gets older when its time for a birthday have a party, and you can even create a registry for the kid at any age. Until my son was about 13 I did his birthday registry at Toys R Us he was allowed to ask for 5 items one of which included Gift Cards. Especially when they are little toys take up a lot of space, and how many toys can a 3 year old play with at once. Ask for what the kid needs and GIFT CARDS! Definitely put 3-5 age appropriate toys, a few clothing items and GIFT CARDS! Let people know that you are limited on space, and to save them time and headaches you are only asking for what little Billy needs! If you really want to give back to your guests, or relatives who are supplying the gift cards send out a note or card with little Billy using, wearing, the item that they purchased! With a big THANK YOU! As parents it can be a lot of work telling other adults NO! but its your child and you know whats best! I like using sites like Amazon, Target that are multipurpose and will grow with my child. As they get older plan theme parties maybe Billy's birthday includes a makeover of his room and you need the accessories nothing wrong with asking for those. Just be creative and consistent! If you need any tips feel free to contact me!

The Diva

Monday, December 17, 2012

Really They are Going to Make a Gender Neutral Easy Bake Oven but they Still Won't put Men in Pregnancy Test Commercials?

I received an email a few weeks ago from regarding a petition started by a little girl for her brother. Her brother so badly wanted an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas but she wanted the toy company to make a "boy" friendly model. My first response to this was aww that's so cute, I love to see kids taking action, the petition spread like wildfire. Today I read that Hasbro will be unveiling a gender neutral Easy Bake oven that should appeal to boys and girls. So there are a few elements that layer this cake, first does the color really matter that much? If you have a son that wants to cook why can't he cook with the oven the way it is? Are boys going to Toy Stores and picking out the ovens as is and their parents are telling them they can't have it because its Pink or Purple? Or are little boys saying the color really maters that much that they could not play with the toy? I know as a kid a toy was a toy as long as it served its purpose I played with it. I do admire Hasbro for saying they will put more boys in the ads so this makes me wonder, what about adult men? Where are they when it comes to Pregnancy Test Commercials, and Female Contraceptives? How many husbands/boyfriends purchase feminine products for their wives when "mother nature" pays them a visit. Why do we never see that on TV? Are there no writers creative enough to make a commercial that is both realistic and informative or are we just not there yet? The only times I see both man and woman together are in the KY jelly commercials or post childbirth for products such as detergent or cars. So to me it seems the media basically conveys the message that Pregnancy, and Contraception are a woman's issue that has nothing to do with men. Condom commercials always portray men as manly, powerful and hooking up with the Hot Chick and making the choice. Why not the reverse? Why not a commercial with a Hot Woman picking up a Hotter Guy and taking him out, and when the time to get luck arrives she pulls out the condom. Are we really that sensitive? I hope this Easy Bake controversy opens the door to a bigger discussion on gender roles and how they are displayed in the media and the effects it has on our young people. 

The Diva

Monday, December 10, 2012

8 Things I Would make Happen to Improve Public Schools In the South Bronx

If you are an avid follower of me on Twitter or just know me in general. You know that one of the things I am most passionate about is Education. I truly believe that without it you are destined to fail. Growing up in the South Bronx young people there are born with a disadvantage when it comes to Economics and Education. In the 80's and 90's when I was a student in Elementary and Middle school I went to 2 of the best schools in the district at the time. S.P.S. 31 and Elijah D Clark J.H.S. 149.  Both schools offered a rigorous curriculum, employed seasoned teachers if measure by today's standards would be called "dinosaurs". My education was free but not sacrificed, I learned about Shakespeare and had read Hamlet understood it, acted it out and saw connected it at Lincoln Center before 7th grade as well as Carmen and La Traviatta. I was in my Elementary Schools Opera club. I loved learning, and teachers made it fun and had a way of connecting it to my every day life. Summer school, failing, credit recovery, online classes were not options that existed. You did the work or you failed, and I never wanted to fail. I now work in my old school district as a Parent Coordinator in the building where I spent my middle school years. The district has changed, it went from being one of the strongest to one of the most unsuccessful and poorest. The neighborhood has not changed much in terms of demographics, the community is still poor and has become more dangerous. One of the main reasons I wanted to come back to "my school" was to serve as a role model for other students in that community. People give the South Bronx a really hard time, which is understandable because its a really rough neighborhood but it still has talent, love and a sense of community. I became a mom at the age of 18 although that wasn't the life I imagined for myself I got through it and raised a very amazing young man. I never forgot where I came from, but I never let where I came from deter me from where I wanted to go. I have traveled all over the world, have met some great people who do amazing things every day to make our world a better place, which is why it frustrates me when I see what goes on in NYC Public Schools, and Public Education in general. I don't make a lot of money in fact I make around $36,000 a year. There are so many people in our schools who don't do it for the money, or to build a resume they do it because they are dedicated, love what they do and see the potential when no one else does. I am thankful that over the years I spent as a student I had a solid foundation of teachers who saw talent in me that I didn't see in myself and pushed me to keep going. I always said if I could be that to a child one day, then I have lived a complete life. I am all about giving back, and today's society is all about taking. It can be so frustrating, and spirit crushing when you have to deal with the negative aspects of what is already a thankless job. In essence when you are a teacher or work with young people you are providing a service, and sometimes it takes years to know if you what you did or said made any difference. One of the things that pisses me off is the ineffectiveness of the way schools are run. How can a failing principal who has been a failing principal for years still collect a 6 figure salary? How is that allowed and who does that hurt? Teachers who come in to low performing or socioeconomically challenged areas to teach for 3 years and have their Masters degree paid for by a program if they can last and get tenured only to leave and teach in a better community that's less challenging? I see it as a lot of people profiting off of a problem without any intent to make it better. You have schools with less than 8oo students that have an administration budget that rivals Obama's cabinet, yet the special ed students don't have the resources they need or the teachers. Jonathan Kozol was one of the first author's I read that gave me a behind the scenes look at the fuckery taking place in our schools. If you are not familiar with him you have to read his books he offers amazing insight. My goal is to open my own school one day in Central America, I am starting an after school program in February for students in the South Bronx which will serve as the pilot for my mission. I love to play What If, and as it pertains to education in the South Bronx here is what I would do if I were Mayor or Chancellor.

1- What If instead of giving Principals bonuses sometimes upwards in the amount of $25,000 for their pocket that money had to be used for their school? The bonuses would  have to be based on performance from teachers, students, administration and Parental Involvement not just data and test scores. All involved parties should decide on what the school would do with the money.

2- What if teachers who come to teach in these communities were made to live in the communities for  6 months and spent 6 months observing students from Pre-K to High School. This way they would be familiar with behaviors, economic situations, poor living conditions, improper nutrition, and lack of resources. To truly understand someone and empathize you need to walk in their shoes, and by doing this teachers would not only understand their students and the issues they will be facing they will know if they are equipped to handle it.

3-What if Parents were made to sign a contract that they will be committed to ensuring they stay involved in their child's education but the school also serves as a resource to make that happen. School would take place Monday-Thursday and Fridays would be meeting days for Parents and Teachers to conference. This way there is communication all year long not just 5 minutes twice a year during a parent teacher conference.

4- What if teachers were allowed to rate the administration? A lot of time in schools there is an  US and them mentality between administration and teachers. Teachers are constantly evaluated and measured but never the other way around. One way to tear down that wall is to make things transparent, if everyone is on the same page and treated equally things could work better.

5- What if there were Parent Report Cards- I am all about accountability and Parents are the glue that holds things together. They need to know what they are doing and what they are not doing, not to be accusatory but to find out how best to help them. By helping them we are helping everyone after them they may be in a similar situation this is how we build strategies and implement effective programs to help our students achieve their full potential.

6- What if money was taken out of the pockets of failing principals and assistant principals, by doing this you have a better chance of someone working harder to prove results and be successful. I admire charter schools for their AT Will approach when it comes to hiring teachers and administration. If you are failing the students why do I need you?

7-What if we go rid of the High School Diploma and students graduated with an Associates Degree? I have been saying this for the longest time and read a New York Times article a few months ago about a series of new High Schools that will be 6 years and students will do just that. Glad to know I am not too radical and crazy in my thinking sometimes..

8-What if we took better care of our teachers? I don't mean only monetarily but mentally and physically. Teaching is not an easy job, and in some schools teachers have no say and are trying to educate under difficult circumstances.  Try serving 150 customers in a 5 hour period with only a 3 minute break in between each hour and not being measured on how much money you took in but rather that every customer felt they were provided with excellent service. How effective would you be? We need to protect our teachers in NYC you can get 5-7 years for assault for spitting on a MTA worker, such a law does not exist for teachers. Teachers need to have a mentor that they check in with 3 times a week to make sure they are OK, and have the support they need to do their jobs properly.

I could probably add another 20 things to this list but I am going to stop here, regardless of where my future projects take me I will always come back to the South Bronx. There is a need for role models and mentors there. Students need to know that there is a successful way out and they can go on to do great things and I will not stop drawing attention to those who see them as an easy paycheck.

The Diva

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Do you work Hard TO Improve Your Quality of Life or Just to be able to Buy Shit?

I have always considered myself a citizen of the world, or as my grandmother would say "a hippie". Its true I love the world, exploring, learning and sharing it with others. I really do wonder why we all just can't get along? I can make myself at home pretty much anywhere. Growing up in NYC gives you a great foundation, but it can also spoil you and blind you with all the unnecessary bullshit we have. Don't get me wrong I like being able to go and get a falafel at 2am and wash it down with a thai iced tea all within blocks of my apartment, and if I am really feeling lazy there's a little thing called delivery that will being me what I want when I want it. Yeah! NYC life is good! The downside is New York is expensive as Fuck! In most cases a lot of people are working to pay bills, and keep a roof over their head. We are a very hardworking culture but we are stressed the fuck out most of the time, between overcrowded subways, jobs we hate, rising food prices, rising rents and jobs we hate Did I say that Twice? We work our asses off and yet our quality of life sucks. I read an article a few weeks ago that stated New Yorker's were not only some of the most unhappiest when it comes to their jobs, but we also drink a lot. If you have never been to New York I completely understand the fascination, the tall buildings, fancy parties, moving and shaking, endless restaurants and clubs. All of that is great but the one tidbit that people leave out is that, that shit costs money! So many people in NY live outside of their means, and depend on credit cards just to keep up appearances. This is where I differ from a lot of NY'ers I love my city but when i get a chance to leave I enjoy it. I love being able to be surrounded by warm blue water, sun fresh food, happy people, nature in essence a better quality of life. My last few trips out of the country have been very interesting as all of the places I have stayed at have either been owned by or managed by Canadians. Why is that? My long term goal is to build a school in Central America I am between Nicaragua (which has need) and Costa Rica (which would be easier with the government). I can not wait to leave NY and wake up somewhere with cleaner air, fresher food, and friendlier people, without having to kill myself to keep paying bills. I have never been a materialistic person so although I know people spending their paychecks on handbags, dinners and shoes I covert my extra cash into traveling. Right now I am looking to purchase property overseas and build something on it, nothing to big but something that can employ some of the local people, and will bring me a sense of knowing that I will have a place waiting for me when its time to leave the Big Apple

Peace from Belize,
The Diva

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Help! What Should have been A Dream Vacation has become a NIGHTMARE!!

I love a good deal as much as the next penny pincher but sometimes things happen that make me wish I would have just gone ahead and paid full price and save myself the headaches. In January of last year my fiance and I purchased a deal via Living Social for 6 nights in Belize at the Almond Beach Resort. For 6 nights excluding airfare we paid $695 not an extravagant amount of money but in today's economy every penny counts. We decided in September we would take the trip around his 50th birthday in December. He contacted the resort in September to make the reservations, we were booked! We spent $1,000 on plane tickets. We thought we were all set. Paul asked me to contact the resort to confirm our arrangements because we were leaving at the end of the week. Upon calling I noticed that the Living Social clearly states that we purchased 6 nights in an Ocean View room at Almond Beach Resort, yet the confirmation that was emailed to us came from Jaguar Reef Resort, and I noticed we were being charged an additional $50 for a 2 bedroom suite for the 1st night and then the following day would be moved to a Cabana for the remainder of out stay. We also needed to pay an additional $123.62 for Round trip transportation to and from the resort/airport. So our $1700 trip is now up to $1873.62 not including taxes and the $25.00 per day resort fee. So I contact Almond Beach to find out exactly what it is going on, the representative there tells me that they are "sister resorts" located on the same property but Almond Beach's room has more modern Furniture and better views. I explain that our voucher was clearly for Almond Beach so how could someone from Jaguar Reef book the reservation. She goes on to explain that the representative should have checked the voucher number because Jaguar Reef and Almond Beach were running simultaneous Living Social Deals. I asked were there rooms available for the time we were coming and she explained they were sold out. I thank her for her time and explain that I am not happy. I contact the representative at Jaguar Reef that made our reservation her name is Yolaine. She explains that she took the reservation, I asked why didn't she check the voucher number before booking since thats the procedure per the rep at Almond Beach. She said that "We are so busy, and people keep calling and calling I must have forgot." Hmmm ok! So I tell her I wanted to go over our arrival time so our transportation could know what time to be there. She says she will send me an email with the info I say ok. This is what I get mind you this is 2 days before we are leaving and this trip was booked in September.

Dear Guests,

The most convenient way to get to our resort is a 20 minute commuter flight from the Belize airport to Dangriga airstrip. Maya Air Charges $148 per person round trip for this flight and we can then arrange shuttle service from The Dangriga airstrip to the resort ,35 minutes drive and cost $123.75 round trip for up to  2 people . If you would like my assistance in booking the flights and shuttle, I will need the names of everyone traveling and the international flight arrival and departure times out of Belize airport. I can include the above charges on your confirmation sheet and you can call our toll free number 1-888-731-1132 to provide credit card details for payment.

Best regards,

My first reaction reading this was what the Hell is she talking about! I thought we needed to get to airport, get a taxi go to resort, check in and be on the beach by noon. That's how it usually goes. I ask her to call me to discuss, and apparently the resort is located 2.5 hours by car from the Belize International Airport which if you decide to have someone drive you can cost $225US each way and that was the cheapest quote I got. So now our only option is to take a 15-20 minute flight that ends up costing $141.00 per person so we're up to $2155.62 not including taxes and resort fees or the fact that we haven't even got there yet! At this point I am beyond pissed and ask Yolaine why was this information not sent to us or mentioned to us when we booked in September she responds "When I sent the confirmation to Paul I accidentally attached it twice instead of attaching the transportation info in addition" (The note posted above in red) I also asked her why wasn't this posted on the voucher, or made clearer by Living Social she claims that both resorts have asked Living Social to state this information when the deals run but they refuse. So we contact Living Social and after 4 email exchanges detailing everything this is what they send us this morning

Thank you for your patience.

We’re sorry to hear you ran into some issues redeeming your Almond Beach Belize voucher. Our Merchant Services team was able to reach out to the merchant and discuss your concerns. 

The initial contact and reservation was made with the Jaguar Reef, not Almond Beach.  Since the reservation was made with the wrong location and the voucher was not redeemed properly, we're unable to credit your account. 

We also looked into your concern about the additional airfare. We understand there is an additional flight required to get to your destination. Airfare for this deal is not included. 

There is good news. Although Almond Beach did not have any availability, Jaguar Reef agreed to accommodate your reservation and accept the voucher as payment.  Since the Jaguar Reef and Almond Beach are sister properties you will still be able to enjoy the same restaurants, beach and amenities. Although this may not be the outcome you were hoping for, we wish you happy and safe travels.  

If you still have questions, please reply to this email. 

Thanks for LivingSocial!

Stephanie | Consumer Services | LivingSocial |

I have 2 major issues with this number 1 I know that I was not going to walk to Belize so of course Airfare would not be included, but there was never mention that we needed to book additional flights once we got to Belize and secondly you say that We Did Not Redeem the Voucher Properly so we cant be refunded but the good news is they are sister resorts? WTF we didn't redeem the voucher improperly the property that you used redeemed it improperly and we didn't find out until after the fact. I do not know the best way to handle this situation because this trip has cost so much more than we anticipated having to spend. I really think Living Social should be clearer with the Merchants they deal with as well as the customers because I really felt like we got shafted on this so called Deal! We are leaving tomorrow I hope I am blinded by the Beauty of Belize that I will forget all the nonsense that has gone on in the last 72 hours. 

What Would You Do?

The Diva